Health Information while in Kenya

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Health Information while in Kenya

 Kenya is an amazing country to experience wildlife and to take in a gorgeous and diverse landscape. You can find everything from equatorial glaciers to tall mountains to extensive plains.

Many who visit Kenya opt to go on a safari, where they catch glimpses of animals like rhinos, elephants and lions. Hikers will find adventure with Mount Kenya, an impressive peak which offers both day hikes and more ambitious excursions.

 Kenya has beautiful beaches that are welcoming to travelers looking for relaxation or to participate in water sports, including diving and snorkeling.


Culturally, Kenya also boasts impressive diversity, with more than 40 different ethnic groups with their own unique traditions.


Do I Need Vaccines for Kenya?


Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Kenya. The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccines for Kenya: typhoid, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, cholera, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, and influenza.


  Recommended Vaccines for Kenya  

Vaccine How Disease Spreads
Typhoid Contaminated Food or Water
Hepatitis A Contaminated Food or Water
Hepatitis B Contaminated Body Fluids
(Sex, needles, etc.)
Cholera Contaminated Food or Water
Yellow Fever Mosquito-borne
Rabies Infected Animals
Meningitis Usually Airborne Droplets
Influenza Airborne Droplets
Sources: CDC, WHO and ISTM.

The risk of contracting malaria for is considered moderate by the CDC. Travelers should consult a travel medicine specialist to determine the best antimalarial for their trip. Dengue and chikungunya are also present in the country. Be sure to bring and use mosquito repellents and netting.


Travelers should also discuss the risk of contracting yellow fever while in Kenya. Vaccination is available at Passport Health locations throughout the country.


Meningitis poses a risk to travelers to Kenya. Be sure you are vaccinated before leaving for your trip.


Visit our vaccinations page to learn more. Travel safely with Passport Health and schedule your appointment today by calling 1-888-499-7277 or book online now.


Is There Cholera in Kenya?


Kenya has had cholera outbreaks in recent years. Because of issues with sanitation and neighboring countries with outbreaks, cholera remains a very real threat for travelers to the African nation.


The CDC recommends visitors to Kenya receive a cholera vaccination before their trip. Vaccination is the best form of protection against the disease.


Passport Health clinics carry Vaxchora, the only cholera vaccine approved for use in the United States. Make sure you’re protected before you go.

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