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Don’t Leave the Vehicle while you are in the wild  or You Might be Lunch

While that sleeping lion might seem yards and yards away, don’t attempt to get a good close-up by leaving the safety of your vehicle. If you step out of the jeep in the presence of large animals like elephants, rhinos or big cats, you are definitely risking your life. Maintaining a healthy respect for these beasts may be the only thing that prevents you from becoming a snack on the savanna.

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 Kenya is an amazing country to experience wildlife and to take in a gorgeous and diverse landscape. You can find everything from equatorial glaciers to tall mountains to extensive plains.

Many who visit Kenya opt to go on a safari, where they catch glimpses of animals like rhinos, elephants and lions. Hikers will find adventure with Mount Kenya, an impressive peak which offers both day hikes and more ambitious excursions.


 Home to 60 national parks and reserves, a broad offering of cultural and historic attractions, and over 500 km of sunny coastline, Kenya has seen its tourism sector rise to become the second-largest foreign exchange earner in the country, although a spate of terrorist attacks since 2011, the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa and ongoing security concerns have weighed heavily on the sector, with 2015 marking the fourth consecutive year of declining visitor arrivals and earnings.

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